About Me

First of all thanks a lot for visiting my Website. I as you may know, am Vaibhav Mehra, currently a Bachelor of Technology 3rd Year Student at Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi with Major in Information Technology and Mathematical Innovation and Minor in Computational Biology.

Project 1

After looking around my work you may have understood that my broad interests are in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Neurology and Psychology. It all began in my first year of Bachelors, when I started to learn coding and apparently tried out some naive Machine Learning Algorithms, which contributed to my initial interest in the field. So I further got deeper into the field while going through some online courses and developing some of the portrayed projects. By the end of 2nd year I started to work as an Artificial Intelligence intern at Samasati Cocina. On the way of my learning I experienced the importance of psychology and neurology in the field of AI and got to understand that in a broader manner these all are just attempts to replicate human brain and understand it better through one or the other manner, that is when I started working on two of my projects about which I am most proud of, first is regarding the development of a new kind of Antidepressant using nanocarriers and further verifying it through computational simulation of interneural region of brain. The other project is about generating a mathematical hypothesis for Human Decision Making. Working over projects like these landed me the opportunity to work as a research intern at one of the India's Biggest Medical Institutions AIIMS, Delhi over the MRI scans of Actual MDD patients.

Apart from this I do have explored other fields of IT too, like web development, software development, game development and ethical hacking. I am fluent with python, c++, javascript, perl, R, Go lang and Ruby on Rails. Over the time I have worked with a number of Bioinformatics softwares like Matlab, SPM 8 and 12, Brainsuite, FSL, Freesurfer, Autodock and BLAST. I am also experienced in all kinds of Server Setup and administration including cloud networking too. As you can also see that I am also a writer, so I generally write poems, blogs and movie reviews too at times, some of which you can find out here at my website.

Currently I am looking for research opportunities and collaborations with some recognized labs in the field of Computational Neurology and Artificial Intelligence. After the 4th year of My B.Tech in May 2023, I am planning to join PhD in some lab for the mentioned fields. Feel free to contact to me regarding doubts in any of my mentioned projects, writeups or blogs. I am always up for any kind of discussions which can further led to interesting findings and chances to learn. I would be really really glad if you feel that my work is good and you come up to me with some kind of research opportunity. Till then, thanks again for visiting my site.

Vaibhav Mehra.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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