My Projects

Nanocarriers and Treatment of MDD


  • Examined various Pathologies of MDD and understanding the role of NMDA in it.
  • Figured out the nanocarriers and NMDA antagonists which can be used.
  • Created the Computational Simulation of the working of proposed antidepressant.
Project 1

Study of Human Decision Making


  • Studied the various Hypothesis of Human Decision Making.
  • Worked on a mathematical model for the same.
  • Bifurcated different brain parts on the basis of role they play in decision making.
Project 1

My Virtual Stream


In this freelancing project I have worked upon a website which serves as a platform to stream videos 24x7 on YouTube. Further this website was also able to edit videos at the server end, that also in layer format.


Machine Learning

I have compiled most of the machine learning projects I have done till now in the form of a Github Repository named as MyMlLibrary. This Library includes a lot of Stuff.

Project 1

Data Tool Belt

Machine Learning

AI Tech For Everyone! As AI is one of the most powerful tool in our generation our website is a platform where people can visualize data, change it into different formats and can apply ML algo on it.

Project 1

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.
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