Research Internship at AIIMS Delhi

Depression or MDD is a disease recognized by patient’s sad mood and is the 2nd biggest reason of global disability. We don’t have any specific biomarker for the detection of MDD. A lot of work has been done around the globe in an attempt to set the MRI scans and their Volumetric Segmentation as the Biomarker for MDD. Various softwares are available for this. mentioned Through this study, we are going to compare a few of them in an attempt to understand which one performs the best over Indian Population. This will set a specific protocol and software which can be adopted nationwide for examining MDD Patients.

MDD is largely seen by the general public and the mainstream media as a neuropsychiatric illness and is a disease being the second biggest reason for the Global disability, but still there is no global biomarker for its detection. A lot work has been done over analysis of sMRI of Brain, to set it as a biomarker. There are a number of Software to do the same, and ahead we are going to compare SPM8, SPM12, FreeSurfer and VolBrain, to understand which one is most suitable for the Indian Population. For that we will be using a database consisting of 15 MDD Patients and 14 Healthy Controls (HC).

The Objective is to do the Volumetric Segmentation over the sMRI scans through the mentioned software. We will compare the results of all the Software on various parameter to decide the most suitable one for Indian Population and at the same time understand which one is clearly giving difference in the results of MDD Patients and Healthy Controls. The aim is to set a software and a protocol which can be adopted nationwide to do the sMRI analysis of MDD Patients.

We have conducted the sMRI of Brain over 29 Subjects at AIIMS, Delhi using 3T whole-body MR system. Over the produced data we have conducted Volumetric Segmentation of Brain using 4 software (SPM8, SPM12, FreeSurfer and VolBrain) and compared the produced results. We have further tried to replicate the already established results regarding MDD over our database using the mentioned software, so that we can confirm which software is actually accurate over indian population and which one is not.

The Volumes determined through each of the software were pretty varied. Volbrain produced the most varied results, also a pattern to distinguish Patients and HC can be determined in results of VolBrain. FreeSurfer and VolBrain also were able to reproduce the already established research results regarding MDD, while SPM8 and SPM12 failed to do so. Conclusion
As the SPM8 and SPM12 were not able to recreate the result that Hippocampus volume of Patients is less than that of HC, they already are out of the race. Rest both Volbrain and FreeSurfer successfully recreated the results. Though FreeSurfer gives more stable and less deviated results than VolBrain, the latter gives an additional pattern to distinguish between HC and Patients. To conclude, the study would suggest more usage of FreeSurfer and VolBrain for the sMRI Segmentation and Volume Calculation as a protocol to analyse the MDD Patients, as the results will be more accurate and will contribute in early detection.

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Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.
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