A Brief

Decision Making is a tool of mind which we use really frequently on a daily basis. From choosing what to eat to which career to pursue, everything is included in decision making, and it is even said that our decisions have the potential to change our lives completely. The process of decision making has been a matter of debate since decades and is not limited to any one particular field of study. Even the slightest idea about the procedure can be a major breakthrough in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science and even Artificial Intelligence.

Project 1

The project discusses the current theories regarding Human decision making and tells the need of a procedural algorithm to be derived for human decision making. Taking from that it proposes a hypothesis for human decision making where it explores how decisions are based upon the emotions we feel before taking the decision, how it is all about compromising one decision over the other and how our decisions are dependent on our environment, situations and other aspects of life. Considering all that, it proposes a mathematical equation for human decision making with some unknown variables. Depending upon the type of decision, whether it is habit based decision or goal based decision, it proposes two different algorithms for both kinds of decision making and also tells how both the algorithms are linked into one another. Further it discusses what happens after making a decision and how these decisions are stored in the brain as experiences for further use and how it all supports the Negative Bias theory. Later it relates the proposed hypothesis to different parts of brains, suggesting which part of the brain would have been playing which part of the hypothesis. Lastly it ends with discussing the various applications of the proposed hypothesis and in what possible manner can this hypothesis be proven.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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