A Brief

AI Tech For Everyone! As AI is one of the most powerful tool in our generation our website is a platform where people can visualize data, change it into different formats and can apply ML algo on it.

Project 1

We are also including a function to link combine various features into one with support of any kind of mathematical equation which is a major breakthrough as it will help in dimension reduction of the database through a website, and will help in reducing the processing time effectively.
Then on the other hand you can clear your database on our site. You can easily see the ambiguities in your database on our site and can get rid off it in just one click.
You can run ML algorithms on your database like KMean algorithm, SVM algorithm, Convolutions and recurrent algorithms.
You can train your model on Deep Neural Networks with our site without doing even a tinch of coding and it will show you all your epoch results visually so you can understand how and when the change of which parameter affects accuracy of model in which manner.
We are also including a function to link combine various features into one with support of any kind of mathematical equation which is a major breakthrough as it will help in dimension reduction of the database through a website, and will help in reducing the processing time effectively.
Then on the other hand you can clear your database on our site. You can easily see the ambiguities in your database on our site and can get rid off it in just one click.
You can run ML algorithms on your database like KMean algorithm, SVM algorithm, Convolutions and recurrent algorithms.
You can train your model on Deep Neural Networks with our site without doing even a tinch of coding and it will show you all your epoch results visually so you can understand how and when the change of which parameter affects accuracy of model in which manner.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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