A Brief

Universitas 21 Global Citizens is an online leadership development course, delivered by Common Purpose, a global not-for-profit organisation that specialises in Cross-Boundary Leadership, with 75 student spaces available per member institution.

Project 1

U21 is a truly global network of 27 universities that span 18 countries and 19 time zones, and throughout the course participants engage with and learn from students across the globe.
By developing ideas together, across borders and time zones, students develop the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century whilst tackling some of the world’s most pressing problems, outlined in the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). With the support of Common Purpose’s trained facilitators, participants are guided to reflect on the improvement in their cultural competency and awareness throughout the course and how they, as individuals and as groups, can turn their learning into valuable global action.
Throughout the program I learned about the sustainable development goals of Unitied Nations, we further worked over one SDG each, where I worked over the goal of Collaborating with Diverse Networks, through that we used to have regular discussions around the world. It was an amazing experience to connect to the people with so much different cultures and understanding their point of view.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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