A Brief

So I have compiled most of the machine learning projects I have done till now in the form of a Github Repository named as MyMlLibrary. This Library includes a lot of Stuff like:

  • depressIO: This is a Social Media Crawler I have created to detect if the person handeling the social media account going through depression or not. Further you can also use it to detect the deppressive thoughts in between some chats. At the back end of this application is a machine learining model trained on the twitter database in a way to detect the sadistic thoughts.
  • Breast Cancer Detection: I developed this Neural Network model from scratch at my initial learning days. The NN model is trained over different types of breast cancer images with the goal to detect the type of breast cancer in the test images and the model gives us the accuracy of 91%
  • Ping Pong Game AI: To expand my skillset, this was the first project I completed over Javascript with the help of Tensorflow.js. I used a basic level already trained over python, ping pong game AI and added it into my javascript based game but the game was also prepared in a manner that the game AI will improve itself in a personalized manner according to the gameplay of that particular player.
  • Canteen Chatbot: I created this chatbot for ordering food at our college canteen to avoid chaotic situations. The chatbot will greet you and further will tell you the whole menu and will note your order and pass it for the prepration of Food.
  • There are many other Machine Learning models on the library which I wrote at different times to learn or solve a problem at hand.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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