A Brief

In this freelancing project I have worked upon a website which serves as a platform to stream videos 24x7 on YouTube. Further this website was also able to edit videos at the server end, that also in layer format.

My Virtual Stream is one of the biggest Web Development Project I have worked on. The Website served as a platform where user can upload their videos in desired sequence and all the videos will continuously stream on the pointed You Tube channel. The Website have three kinds of User, first is the admin, who can control and restrict the working of all the other users of the site, after Admin the next position is New Channel, and below them were our news reporters. The platform is being used by various news channels, each have their own ID at our site and under them comes all their news reporters who can upload the videos they want to stream, News Channel (ID) will further allow which of the uploaded video should be streamed or not.
Apart from all this the website also serves as a platform for video editing, that too in the layered format, it is one of it's kind as no other website offers such an advanced video editing mechanism. The news channels and reporters can use our edinting tool to add all the headlines and logos they need over their news report.
I personally have worked on the backend of this website. I have created the streaming mechanism and the queue mechanism of which video should be streamed at which time. Further I have single handedly done the routing of the whole website and have also contributed in the video editing mechanism of website. For this I have learned the usage of Command Line Software FFmpeg.

Get in Touch

Up for all kinds of collaborations which can take us close to understanding human brain. Comfortable with all kinds of BioInformatic softwares. Further experienced in developing efficient AI Models, with decent Accuracy. Can also contact me to get more detailed information regarding any of my work over the site.

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