Work Experience

Research Intern | Psychology Department, University of Colorado

  • Working on the novel field of Evolutionary Neuropsychology.
  • Analysing the Archaeological Data through Computational Techniques.
  • Understanding the working of Different Brain regions and their behavioral importance.
Project 1

Research Intern | AIIMS Delhi

  • Working on sMRI and fMRI scans of MDD and BP disorder patients.
  • Learned segmentation and volumetric analysis of brain with 93% accurate results.
  • Working in a research dedicated environment.
Project 1

My Projects



  • Examined various Pathologies of MDD and understanding the role of NMDA in it.
  • Figured out the nanocarriers and NMDA antagonists which can be used.
  • Created the Computational Simulation of the working of proposed antidepressant.
Project 1



  • Studied the various Hypothesis of Human Decision Making.
  • Worked on a mathematical model for the same.
  • Bifurcated different brain parts on the basis of role they play in decision making.
Project 1


Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making | Blog

In this blog I have in detailed discussed the current hypothesis over the human decision making techniques and I have further extented my opinion by discussing that how we can probably try to mimic these hypothesis for the development of a Generic Artificial Intelligence model which can make decisions of varied streams like human beings but hopefully with better Accuracy.

Project 1

Understanding Depression Generated Defense Mechanism And Ways to Tackle it | Blog

Understanding why people going through dark times are always trying to push people away from themselves and how you can communicate with them in a better manner. I started with exploring what defence mechanism actually is and then gradually expanded in the direction of understanding it's development in depression patients. This particular blog is for the people who know someone going through depression as it can help them in understanding their point of view and how the support them.

Project 1

About Me

A B.Tech IT and MI student with Computational Biology as Minor. Codechef 5 star coder. Love to play with AI models. Pretty interested in understanding the working of Human Brain, thus working in that direction since sometime now. Looking out for research opportunities in the field of Computational Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Other hobbies include writing stuff, music and cycling at times. Quite social so you can always ping me over some interesting discussions.

My Resume

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